96 Fall Quotes + 13 Poems about Autumn - The Digital Reader (2024)

Jacqueline Eisenbraun(Senior Editor)

96 Fall Quotes + 13 Poems about Autumn - The Digital Reader (2)

Colorful leaves, walks in the forest, candles and fireplaces – these are just a few examples that we associate with autumn. As a tribute to the colorful season, in this article we present you the most beautiful sayings about the golden autumn, as well as funny and thoughtful autumn poems.

Table of Contents

The autumn months stretch from late September to mid-December. Many spend this time outdoors to be impressed by the colorful deciduous forests. You can pick mushrooms, make crafts with chestnuts or carve pumpkins, for example.

The Most Beautiful Fall Quotes and Wisdoms

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The Most Beautiful Fall Quotes and Wisdoms

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year for many people. While some like to snuggle up at home, make tea and soup, others go out into the fresh air, enjoy the autumn sun and let the wind blow around their noses.

The sayings in this chapter are as diverse as autumn itself.

Here you’ll find quotes about summer.

Cute Quotes about Fall

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Cute Quotes about Fall

T’is the fall season again and what better way to kick it off with a few cute quotes honoring the golden season and setting the stage for pumpkin pies and cooler weather.

Below you’ll find a few cute and witty quotes that you can instantly use and which are guaranteed to put a smile on your and others when read.

  1. Earth tones and apple scones.
  2. I’m fall-ing for you.
  3. Sweater weather is finally here.
  4. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.
  5. You are the apple to my pie.
  6. Joy is sipping apple cider on an autumn day.
  7. Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes.
  8. Be like fall and leave all your worries behind.
  9. Channel your flannel.
  10. Embrace this season of renewal.
  11. Be-leaf in yourself.
  12. A cool breeze and colorful leaves.

Here you will find quotes about winter.

Quotes about Fall For the Letter Board

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Quotes about Fall For the Letter Board

Fall is here and it’s the perfect time to decorate your home with fun fall letter board quotes. Whether that be at your home, work or wherever that might be, there’s always a great opportunity to let your fall-tuned personality shine through and be reminded of the golden season.

To help you out, we’ve provided you with some of the best quotes below that you can immediately make use of.

  1. And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.
    (Oscar Wilde, Irish poet, 1854-1900)
  2. Fall … the year’s last, loveliest smile.
    (William Cullen Bryant, American poet, 1794-1878)
  3. Das Leben beginnt wieder von vorne, wenn es im Herbst knackig wird.
    (F. Scott Fitzgerald, American novelist, 1896-1940)
  4. Every leaf speaks bliss to me.
    (Emily Brontë, English novelist, 1818-1848)
  5. The cold doesn’t bother me.
  6. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall — hope you do too.
  7. Blessed and pumpkin spice obsessed.
  8. Give them pumpkin to talk about.
  9. The only thing getting lit this weekend is my pumpkin spice candle.
  10. Be like fall and leave all your worries behind.
  11. Life is beautiful seen through the eyes of gratitude.

Here you will find more short quotes.

Wisdoms and Sayings about Fall Season

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Wisdoms and Sayings about Fall Season

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year for many people. While some like to snuggle up at home, make tea and soup, others go out into the fresh air, enjoy the autumn sun and let the wind blow around their noses. The sayings in this chapter are as diverse as autumn itself.

Autumn is often the subject of peasant wisdom and German proverbs. We have compiled the best wisdom about autumn for you here.

  1. Summer clears the field for fall and fall clears the fields for summer.
    (German proverb)
  2. Summer gives grain, autumn gives wine. Winter at the end; consume what both give seasons groom.
    (German proverb)
  3. Fall is the spring of winter.
    (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter, 1864-1901)
  4. I therefore prefer fall to spring, because in fall the eye seeks the sky, but in spring it seeks the earth.
    (Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, theologian and writer, 1813-1855)
  5. Spring desires, summer feeds, fall delivers, winter eats.
    (German proverb)
  6. If the leaves fall too soon, fall will not prune.
    (Peasant wisdom)
  7. Winter is sin, spring is repentance, summer is mercy, fall is perfection.
    (Angelus Silesius, German priest, 1624-1677)
  8. Fall shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.
  9. Fall is the season when we find contentment at home by paying attention to what we already have.
  10. A fallen leaf is nothing more than a beckoning farewell to summer.
  11. There is a harmony in fall, and a brightness in its sky that is not heard or seen all summer, as if it could not be, as if it had not been.
    (Percy Bysshe Shelley, British writer, 1792-1822)
  12. Hark! The wind is coming up, and the air is wild with leaves. We’ve had our summer evenings, now come the October evenings.
    (Humbert Wolfe, Italian-born British poet, 1885-1940)
  13. Fall was for us a brother of spring, full of mild fire, a festive time for the memory of suffering and past joys of love.
    (Friedrich Hölderlin, German poet, 1770-1843)
  14. Fall is the gentler season, and what we lose in flowers we gain in fruit.
    (Samuel Butler, British poet, 1835-1902)

Here you will find more smart sayings.

Funny Quotes about Fall

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Funny Quotes about Fall

We have collected a few funny sayings about fall for you.

  1. My favorite color is October.
  2. It’s fall again. At last sleeping through the night is a thing again and no longer sweating like a waterfall.
  3. I love fall, you can just throw chestnuts at stupid people.
  4. Blood type? Pumpkin soup.
  5. It’s almost that time of year when other girls look cute in their flannel shirts and I look like I’ve misplaced my axe.
  6. Oh autumn, please don’t ever leaf me again.
  7. What is the cutest season of the year? Awwwtumn.
  8. Happy Fall, Y’all.
  9. Autumn Skies and Pumpkin Pies.
  10. Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please
  11. TGIF: Thank God It’s Fall.
  12. Life is Gourd.

Inspiring Quotes about Fall for Instagram Captions

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Inspiring Quotes about Fall for Instagram Captions

It’s that time of year again, your camera roll is overflowing with Instagrammable pictures highlighting all our favorite fall activities. From pictures frolicking in the falling leaves to selfies on a hay ride to family photos and even shots; you’ll want to share these moments with the world.

Regardless of your favorite fall activity, as you work through your fall bucket list you should spend time capturing your favorite parts of the season.

Whether you’re outdoors playing in the leaves or enjoying warm tea at home—we’ve made it easy for you to find the best Instagram caption so your gorgeous photos can get the likes they deserve.

  1. How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.
    (John Burroughs, American naturalist and essayist, 1837-1921)
  2. Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.
  3. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.
    (Samuel Butler, English poet, 1612-1680)
  4. And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.
    (Oscar Wilde, Irish poet, 1854-1900)
  5. A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s goodbye wave.
  6. The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves. We have had our summer evenings; now for October eves.
    (Humbert Wolfe, Italian-born British poet, 1885-1940)
  7. Spring is beautiful, and summer is perfect for vacations, but autumn brings a longing to get away from the unreal things of life, out into the forest at night with a campfire and the rustling leaves.
    (Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, American poet, 1838-1912)
  8. Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
    (F. Scott Fitzgerald, American novelist, 1896-1940)
  9. Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.
    (Emily Brontë, English novelist, 1818-1848)
  10. Delicious autumn. My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
    (George Eliot, English writer, 1819-1880)
  11. The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.
  12. Wild is the music of autumnal winds/Amongst the faded woods.
    (William Wordsworth, English poet, 1770-1850)

Thoughts and Quotes about the Colors of Fall Season

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Thoughts and Quotes about the Colors of Fall Season

If you think of autumn, you probably have a whole palette of colors in mind. This is not surprising, because the enchanting variety of colors of this season borders on a small miracle of nature.

Red, yellow, orange and brown are the colors we associate with the falling leaves.

There is even a name for the typical landscape that so many people enjoy: the golden autumn. Below you will find a few sayings that describe and appreciate the golden autumn as well as its peculiarities.

  1. How beautifully the leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.
    (John Burroughs, American naturalist and essayist, 1837-1921)
  2. No spring or summer beauty has such grace as I have seen in an autumn face.
    (John Donne, English writer and poet, 1572-1631)
  3. The colors of autumn … a mighty flower garden blossoming under the spell of the wizard Frost.
    (John Greenleaf Whittier, American poet, 1807-1892)
  4. As long as autumn lasts, I will not have enough hands, canvas and paints to paint the beautiful things I see.
    (Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter and graphic artist, 1853-1890)
  5. The world still rests in the mist,
    The forest and meadows are still dreaming:
    Soon thou wilt see,
    When the veil falls
    The blue sky unobscured,
    The muted world in fall
    In warm gold flow.
    (Eduard Mörike, German writer, 1804-1875)
  6. October stretches its colorful ribbon as a wanted poster across the country.

Simple and Short Quotes about Fall

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Simple and Short Quotes about Fall

Here we have compiled for you short sayings about the most colorful time of the year – they also capture the autumn idyll well.

  1. Autumn is always our best time.
    (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749-1832)
  2. Winter smiles when autumn speaks of dying.
    (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Moravian-Austrian writer, 1830-1916)
  3. He who does not sow in spring will not reap in autumn.
    (German proverb)
  4. Autumn is as cheerful and sweet as an untimely end.
    (Rémy de Gourmont, French writer, 1858-1915)
  5. Every leaf that flutters from the autumn tree speaks to me.
    (Emily Brontë, English novelist, 1818-1848)
  6. Note that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.
    (Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, 1844-1900)
  7. I’m so glad I live in a world where October exists.
    (Lucy Maud Montgomery, Canadian author, 1874-1942)
  8. And all at once summer became autumn.
    (Oscar Wilde, Irish poet, 1854-1900)
  9. Wild is the music of the autumn winds in the faded woods.
    (William Wordsworth, English poet, 1770-1850)
  10. Autumn…the last, most beautiful smile of the year.
    (William Cullen Bryant, American poet, 1794-1878)
  11. When it gets crisp in the fall, life begins anew.
    (F. Scott Fitzgerald, American novelist, 1896-1940)
  12. What August does not do, September does well.
    (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749-1832)
  13. October sky full of stars likes to have warm stoves.
    (German proverb)
  14. Autumn is the gentle season.
    (William Allingham, Irish poet, 1824-1889)

Beautiful Sayings about Autumn For Signs

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Beautiful Sayings about Autumn For Signs

If you still haven’t had your fill of fall sayings, here are ten more very beautiful sayings waiting for you – you can send them to family and friends.

  1. Isn’t this a real fall day? Just the quiet melancholy that I love, that brings life and nature into harmony.
    (George Eliot, English writer, 1819-1880)
  2. I can’t bear to waste something as precious as the autumn sun by staying indoors. Therefore I have spent almost all the daylight hours out of doors.
    (Nathaniel Hawthorne, American writer, 1804-1864)
  3. Glorious autumn! My soul is bound to it, and if I were a bird I would fly over the earth to seek the passing autumn.
    (George Eliot)
  4. The trees are about to show us how nice it is to let the dead things go.
  5. If spring is promise and summer is fulfillment, a beautiful autumn may be called the most beautiful grace of God.
  6. And all the lives we have ever lived, and all the lives to come, are full of trees and changing leaves.
    (Virginia Woolf, English writer, 1882-1941)
  7. The misty autumn shall be our portion! The twilight of the year is sweet: where shadow and darkness meet, our love, a twilight of the heart, escapes the deceit of time.
    (Ernest Dowson, English poet, 1867-1900)
  8. Go, sit on the high hill, and turn your eyes where waving woods and wild waters sing an autumn sound. The summer sun is dim on them, the summer flowers vanish, Sit still as if all had turned to stone, save your pondering heart.
    (Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English poet, 1806-1861)
  9. Like a path in autumn: No sooner is it swept clean than it covers itself again with the dry leaves.
    (Franz Kafka, German-language writer, 1883-1924)
  10. It is autumn, the season when everyone reaps what they have sown under the cool sun.
    (Maurice Barres, French journalist, 1862-1923)

“Happy Fall” Greetings

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“Happy Fall” Greetings

Of course, in keeping with the theme, we also have a few autumnal greetings for you to send to your loved ones as the mood takes you.

  1. You’re never too old to jump into a pile of leaves – so get out into the colorful outdoors and have a great day.
  2. The first day of autumn is here and I wish you a wonderful and joyful time full of contemplation.
  3. Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend filled with thick sweaters and warming tees.
  4. Greetings to you at the beginning of the most beautiful time of the year. Although the days are now shorter, nature is all the more beautiful.
  5. I send a little autumn greeting to you and hope you have a sunny day.
  6. I wish you all a sunny beginning of autumn.

Beautiful Poems about Fall

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Beautiful Poems about Fall

In this chapter we present you beautiful autumn poems – from funny to thoughtful. They excellently describe what we think and feel during autumn.


Fall Day

Lord, it is time. The summer has been very profuse,
Put your shadow on the sundials,
And on the corridors let the winds loose.

Command the last fruits to be full;
Give them two more southern days,
Urge them to perfection and full of rays
The last sweetness into the heavy wine you pull.

Those who do not have a house now will not build one.
He who is alone now will remain so for a long time,
Will watch, read, write long letters in ryhme
And will wander to and fro in the avenues
Restlessly wandering when the leaves drift in blues.

(Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian storyteller and lyricist,1875-1926)



Who you color the woods,
Sunny, mild autumn moods,
More beautiful than rose blossoms
Seems to me your soft glow opossum.

Nevermore storm und thronging,
Nevermore the sound of longing;
Only softly you breathe
Deep fulfillment rest in your sheathe.

But perceptible also
Laments a shy breeze moreso,
That blows through the leaves,
That it is coming to an end in the eves.

(Ferdinand von Saar, Austrian writer, 1833-1906)


Now it is autumn

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Poem: Now it is autumn

Now it is autumn,
The world is wide,
The mountains open their arms
And reach out to you infinity.
No wish, no growth is in the leaves anymore,
The trees look into the dust,
They listen to the step of time.


Now it is autumn,
the heart has grown wide.
The heart that has wandered much,
That delights in pleasure and cunning,
The heart must listen to the trees
And exchange glances with the dust.
It has kissed, suspects its time limit,
The leaves fall, the heart forgets.

(Max Dauthendey, German poet, 1867-1918)


Farewell to migratory birds

How beautiful was the forest and the field
how sad is the world now
Gone is the beautiful summertime
and after the joy came the sorrow


We knew nothing of trouble,
We sat under the leafy canopy,
Happy and glad in the sunshine
And sang to the world.

We poor little birds are very sad,
We no longer have a home,
We must now flee away
And go into the wide foreign land.

(Hoffmann von Fallersleben, German teacher, 1798-1874)


Late Autumn

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Late Autumn

Red is already mingling with the green of the leaves,
Reseden and Astern are in bloom,
The grapes cut, the oats mown,
Autumn is here, the year is getting late.

And yet (whether autumn also) the sun glows, –
Away with the melancholy from your mind!
Banish worry, enjoy what is pious,
Eh' silence, snow and winter comes.

(Theodor Fontane, German writer, 1819-1898)



Asters are already blooming in the garden,
Weaker hits the sun arrow.
Flowers that await death
By the frost executioner’s axe.


Brown darkens long ago the heath,
Leaves tremble through the air.
And forest and pasture lie
Unmoved in blue fragrance.

Peach on the garden wall,
Crane on the winter flight.
Autumn’s joys, autumn’s sorrows,
Withered roses, ripe fruit.

(Detlev von Liliencron, German poet, 1844-1909)


From: Of Everyday Life and the Sun – Poems in Prose (1897)

This is not summer anymore, this is September … autumn:
those big soft clouds in the sky,
those fine white cobwebs in the distance
and behind the gardens with the sunflowers
the curling smoke of smoldering cabbage fires …
and this sweet soft tiredness and this joyful
and this joyful calm silence everywhere and still again
this fresh, lush, harvesting, tart power …
that is not summer … that is autumn.

(Caesar Flaischlen, German poet, 1864-1920)


Apple Harvest

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Apple Harvest

This is a rich blessing
In gardens and along paths.
The trees almost break.
How full everything hangs.
How lovely floats and shines
The golden weight of apples.


Now climbed the tree.
Let’s bend the branches,
That each may pluck.
How high the apples hang,
We’ll fetch them with poles
And hooks to bring them all in.

And when the work is done,
We too will receive
A reward for our diligence.
Then we’ll go away and bring
The apples home and sing
Praise and glory to autumn.

(Hoffmann von Fallersleben, German teacher, 1798-1874)


In the autumn

The beautiful summer passed away,
The autumn, the rich, moved into the country.
Now all the good spiders weave
Many a fine festive garment.


They weave to the day’s celebration
With artful hind leg
Very dear fairy veils
As ornaments for meadow, field and grove.

Yes, a thousand silver threads
To the wind for easy play,
They gently drift and float
To the unconsciously determined destination.

They go to the wonderland,
Where love is shy in the beginning,
And softly a tender ribbon links
The shepherd with the shepherdess.

(Wilhelm Busch, German poet, 1832-1908)


Autumn song

Autumn lies on all paths,
In a hundred colors flaunts his dress,
As his sorrow, his blessing
He scatters around him at the same time.
The foot rustles in the withered bower,
What blossoms and greens are a dream –
But on the vine the grape beckons
And golden fruit adorns the tree all around.
Thus takes and gives with full hands
Autumn, a thief and a fairy;
Fulfillment he alone can give,
But a deep sorrow enfolds them! –
O autumn of the soul! your fruits,
Are they gain too, or robbery?

(Luise Büchner, German writer, 1821-1877)


The autumn day

The trees stand unloaded of fruit,
And yellow leaves blow into the valley;
The stubble field in shimmering thread
Shines in the low noon ray.
The flock of birds circles and moves;
The cattle to the stable demands, and flees
The lean acres, pale with ripeness.


O go out on the gentle parting day
Of the year at last;
And call it summer’s day and carry
The last hard-found bouquet.
Soon clouds rise, and black behind them
The storm, and its companion, the winter,
And wraps in flakes field and house.

A wise man, dear ones, haschet
The joys in the passing,
Receive what comes unsurprised,
And pluck the flowers as they bloom.
And even if the flowers are gone;
So at the winter hearth stands entwined
His festival cup with evergreens.

Still dry through valley and hill
The long familiar summer path.
Only reddish hangs at the water level
The tree you saw green the other day.
But the Kamp is green from the winter corn;
But green by the red of the hawthorns
And capelin berries, our camp!

So still in the warm sun lying,
We look at the colorful field,
And there, on black fallow plowing,
With whistling pleasure, the husbandman:
The crows in fresh furrow swarming
After the plow, and shriek and make noise;
And steaming the team of horses pulls.

Nature, how beautiful in every dress!
Even in her dying dress how beautiful!
She mixes wistfulness with gentle joy,
And smiles tearfully still as she goes.
You, withered foliage, shivering down,
You little flower, lisping: Not mourned!
We will rise more beautiful!

(Johann Heinrich Voß, German poet, 1751-1826)


Autumn Gold

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Autumn Gold

How was it in the forest
today wunderhold –
the treetops all
of red gold!

Golden ground,
golden the fragrance,
falling leaves
of gold from the air.

And it shines
from death and passing away
golden the hope
of resurrection.

(Ferdinand Avenarius, German philosopher, 1843-1896)

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96 Fall Quotes + 13 Poems about Autumn - The Digital Reader (2024)


What is the poem autumn about? ›

''Autumn'' is a short poem by Emily Dickinson. It describes the natural world as it changes from summer to autumn. Dickinson uses multiple literary devices in her poem. One of these is personification.

What is a good quote for autumn? ›

"The first breath of autumn was in the air, a prodigal feeling, a feeling of wanting, taking, and keeping before it is too late." "Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow." "I can smell autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet chill of pumpkin, and crisp sunburnt leaves."

Why does the poem entitle autumn? ›

The poem is named 'autumn” as it symbolizes the end of the old and becoming ready for the future. This is happening in all spheres of life and inspires everybody to look to the positive side of life. The plants and trees shed their old leaves but do not die and prepare for a new beginning.

What is the quote about the autumn path? ›

Let's get started with the first quote:

Steer me to an autumn path to travel all alone. Fall leaves the finest company; rustling in my heart like home. Autumn whispered to the wind, 'I fall; but always rise again. '

What type of poem is autumn? ›

The poem is in the form of an ode. – highlighting and praising the particular time of year. It is the last of what has come to be known as Keats' six great odes, all written in the same year (1819).

What kind of poem is "To Autumn"? ›

"To Autumn" is sometimes called an ode, but Keats does not call it one. However, its structure and rhyme scheme are similar to those of his odes of the spring of 1819, and, like those odes, it is remarkable for its richness of imagery. It is a feast of sights and sounds.

Why do I love autumn quotes? ›

12 best Autumn quotes
  • Autumn…the year's last, loveliest smile – William Cullen.
  • Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go – Unknown.
  • Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons – Jim Bishop.
  • Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower – Albert Camus.

What is the hardest fall quote? ›

On and off the field, you're my hardest fall. No one has ever compared, and no one ever will. It was always going to be you for me.

Why is To Autumn a romantic poem? ›

Odes are traditionally written in appreciation of a subject. Here, the poem is dedicated to the season of autumn, which it romanticises, describing the natural yet transitional beauty of autumn.

Who wrote the poem "Autumn"? ›

The ode 'To Autumn' was created by John Keats on Sunday 19th September, 1819. We know this exact date because on Tuesday 21st September Keats wrote from Winchester to his friend John Hamilton Reynolds “How beautiful the season is now.

What does autumn symbolize? ›

In fall, the growing cycle gives us ripeness and maturity. The harvest is associated with abundance, prosperity and wealth. Humans too experience an “autumn”. If spring represents new birth and childhood, and summer symbolizes youth, autumn represents adulthood and maturity.

Are autumn and fall the same? ›

Today, speakers of American English commonly use both fall and autumn to refer to the season, though fall became more common in the US by the late 1800s. Speakers of British English largely use autumn or the autumn season.

What does autumn mean in life? ›

Beyond its scenic beauty, autumn carries profound symbolism, mirroring the transitions we experience in our own lives. Embracing the fall season can be a powerful teacher, urging us to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves us, and find beauty in the impermanence of life.

What is the message of the song autumn? ›

“It speaks about themes of loneliness, yearning, and ultimately, hoping against hope that a new season will come.” The award-winning band explains in a collective statement, “Autumn is a song where we showcase how we've evolved and matured as a band.

What does autumn symbolize in the poem To Autumn? ›

Keats has used a lot of symbols in this poem such as “Autumn” symbolizes the women and “the sun” symbolically stands for a male. Similarly, “gathering swallows” symbolizes the end of autumn.


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